If you are moving into our district, please call me at 936-398-2341 ext 8031 and I will help make sure that your child is on the correct bus. You might have to leave a voicemail for me, but I will return your call as soon as possible. You can also email me at and I will contact you.
If you ever have an issue on the bus, please call and speak with me directly. Our bus drivers often have other jobs in addition to driving the school bus and are often difficult to reach. I am sure that we can fix any concerns you might have, but please remember riding the bus is a privilege and is not a right. We ask that your child be at the bus stop 5 minutes early. We cannot wait for students at bus stops because we have to stay on schedule and for safety concerns. We also expect students to be on their best behavior.
My goal is to transport all students to and from school and other school-related events safely. Safety comes first!
Jamie Kemper
Director of Operations
Martha Thompson
Bus Driver Route 1
Casey McBryde
Bus Driver Route 3
PT Mahoney
Bus Driver Route 4
Javier Perez
Bus Driver Route 5
Yolanda Beal
Bus Driver Route 6
Camden/Seven Oaks
Richard Russ
Bus Driver Route 8
Riley Village
Celia Brown
Bus Driver Route 9
Pine Hollow
Nina Hulett
Bus Driver Route 10
Rayburn Hills
Kevin Purvis Sage Gardner
AM Bus Driver Route 11 PM Bus Driver Route 11
Jacqueline (Jackie) Stewart
Bus Driver Route 14 Special Needs
Chris Oleinik Rayford Sweats
Bus Driver PM Route 16 Bus Driver AM Route 16
In Town/ 69 South
Chelsea Fitzgerald
Special Needs Bus Monitor
Dorothy Horace
Rayburn Hills Bus AM Monitor
Phelicia Jolly
MLK Bus Monitor
Cherry Lee
Camden/Seven Oaks Bus Monitor
Nellie Love
Rayburn Hills Bus PM Monitor
Elisha Hood
Damascus/Wakefield Bus Monitor
Jackie Sweats
Pine Hollow Bus Monitor
Lori Ward
In Town/69 South Bus Monitor
Emma Williams
Riley Village Bus Monitor