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Parent & Student Resources


Student Resources

Additional Student Resources

  • See Something, Say Something

    Please report any suspicious activity or suspected dangers to the appropriate authorities.

    To report a situation, click on the link below:

    Anonymous Reporting Form


    Safety Procedures

    • Lockdown: This is used when a violent person or threat is in or on the grounds of the campus. There are no class changes and everyone is to remain in their room. All doors, windows, classrooms are locked until the “All Clear” signal is given. 
    • Secure/LockoutThis is used when a violent threat is off campus, such as someone fleeing from the police, or gunfire, or explosion. People are allowed to move within the building, but the exterior of the campus is secured and doors are monitored. 
    • Evacuate: This procedure is used when students and staff need to leave a campus or facility for a variety of hazards. 
    • Shelter: This is the presence of a hazard to health and safety of people inside and outside the building. All windows and doors are locked and the HVAC system is shut down. This procedure is also used when the school is being threatened by weather. All persons in the building are sheltered away from glass and high ceilings. 
    • Hold: This is the action schools will take when hallways need to be cleared; subsequent bells and any/all scheduled class changes are disregarded. movement throughout the building is stopped until the “All Clear” is given. 

    The safety of our students and staff is of the utmost importance!