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Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Texas CTE Your journey starts here

Here, Student grow Careers

The Career and Technical Education Department at Corrigan-Camden ISD provides programs aimed at equipping our students to graduate ready and certified for entry-level roles and skilled jobs for their selected occupation. CTE is a great way for students to explore their career interests and prepare for the highly technological and competitive workplace of the 21st century. CCISD offers practical “real-world” experiences alongside rigorous academic standards to prepare our students for their future achievements. 

Career Clusters of CCISD

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) career clusters are designed to help students explore career options and plan their educational paths, organize career-related courses and programs of study, connect classroom learning to real-world career skills, and prepare students for success in high-demand, high-skill, or high-wage occupations.

Corrigan-Camden ISD offers CTE courses under 4 Career Clusters. These clusters are grouped related to occupations and industries to help students discover their interests and abilities, choose relevant coursework, develop skills needed for their chosen career fields.



icon for Ag, Food and Natural Resources         

  Architecture and Construction     

   Business Marketing and Finance      

  Health Science