Corrigan-Camden ISD POST:
We received information that one of our students has allegedly made a threat against another student. Corrigan-Camden ISD is working closely with our local Police Department during their investigation. We will take all precautions and any necessary actions to maintain the safety of our students and staff.
The district’s safety and security procedures have been implemented. As always, the safety of our students and staff are our first priority.
Week Ending 8/16/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 8/23/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 9/5/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 9/12/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 9/23/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 9/26/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 10/3/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 10/10/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 10/17/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 10/24/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 10/31/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 11/7/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 11/14/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 11/21/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 12/2/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 12/9/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 12/12/2024 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 1/16 & 23/2025 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 1/30/2025 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 2/6/2025 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 2/13/2025 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 2/20/2025 Bulldog Star Students
Week Ending 2/27/2025 Bulldog Star Students
The slab is poured on part of our new Bulldog Field House, and the other portion is ready to be poured! After that, the sticks will go up!! We cannot wait!! Our students and staff are so excited!!
And the Competition Gym, the remodel is going smoothly!! The new paint is up, the BULLDOG is on the WALL!!! It’s a GREAT DAY to be a BULLDOG!!!
Click here for the CCISD Field House Building Schedule
January 9, 2024
The contractors will begin working on the roofs at the compeition gym, JH and HS. The compeition gym will be first and should only take two or three days. After the gym, the roofers willl move to the JH roof. Of course all of this is depending on the weather conditions as too the completion of the roofs.
As we begin construction with our new Junior High Gym/Athletic Building there will be some inconvenience for those that use the stadium in the early morning and the late evenings. Due to the new build, for safety reasons we will be disconnecting all lights at Bulldog Stadium as well as the parking area lights starting this Thursday, December 7th. Also, the construction will be on the south end of the stadium which will close off that entrance. The only entrance accessible for the public will be at the north end, the ticket booth area. Please do not try to enter through the south end.
As always, our community can continue to walk the track, however; for safety measures we wanted to inform you that there will be NO LIGHTS at the stadium or in the parking area. Thank you for your understanding! We look forward to sharing the new Junior High Gym/Bulldog Athletic Building with our students, parents, community and stakeholders.
Notice of Public Hearing for Corrigan-Camden ISD Annual Report
Corrigan-Camden ISD has scheduled a public hearing at the next regular board meeting on Monday, March 17, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the boardroom located at 504 South Home St., Corrigan, Texas 75936. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the 2023-2024 Annual Report. The annual report will be available for viewing on our District Website, or at the CCISD Administration Building beginning March 24, 2025.
CCISD is devoted to providing a comprehensive and meticulous education which will challenge and cultivate the intellect of every student.
CCISD encompasses our students to inspire their success for education mastery and future readiness.
CCISD is dedicated to offering opportunities for all students, appreciating their individual mindset.